What's all this then?

So. What's the Logos Moms thing all about?

It's pretty basic, really. This is a purely voluntary organization of (you guessed it!) Logos Moms who want to show our appreciation to the school and to the teachers for all of their hard work and sacrifice for our children! We all know how hard the teachers work, and if we could give them a pay raise we'd do it! But since that's not really in the realm of possibility, we'd like to make the teachers' jobs a bit easier this year . . . as well as show them some tangible evidence of our gratitude, even if it just means bringing them a coffee occasionally!

It's often easy to assume that someone else is doing it . . . signing up to help with reading, or offering to bring cookies for the class party . . . that kind of thing. And there have been times when things have fallen through the cracks.

We know that there are loads of enthusiastic Logos Moms out there who, like the rest of us, are crazy busy and sometimes just don't notice that something's not been taken care of. So we're hoping that if we organize ourselves a bit better then we can make sure that sort of thing doesn't happen!

We currently have two goals:  maintain a working system of Room Moms, and raise money for Christmas Bonuses for teachers and staff.  We will be sending information regarding any fund-raisers or events via school-wide e-mail, so please keep an eye out for us.  This is only our second year, so please bear with us as we learn as we go!

Who are the Room Moms?

Here's the basic lay of the land. Each elementary class has a Room Mom. That's been true in the past . . . but the thing that's different this year is that we're trying to have all the Room Moms work in sync with each other . . . and with you!

It is the job of the Room Mom to communicate any needs or reminders to the parents.  She will help organize field trip volunteers & school projects, and she will be in charge of gifts for Christmas and birthdays.  If the teacher needs something, she will make sure the parents know about it so that those who want to, can jump in and volunteer!  And volunteering can be a fantastic way to get to know the other parents in your class!

We don't want this to be a high pressure thing at all . . . merely a way to make ourselves more efficient! We know how much we all appreciate Logos - and we want that appreciation to be felt by the teachers! Sometimes the teachers are in an awkward position when it comes to asking for help - and so we just want to get a system in place where they have the support they need as they teach our children.  Our goal is to anticipate the teachers' needs before they even have to ask!

If you have any questions regarding the Room Moms, please contact Paula Casebolt at [email protected] or 892-1925.